Three Potential Outcomes of Poor Oral Health in Cats

These days, more and more pet owners are becoming aware of the fact that their animals need dental care just like people do. If you haven't had your cat's teeth cleaned professionally, it may surprise you to learn that there's a lot more at risk here than simply bad breath and cavities. Here's what you should know about the potential risks that come with poor oral health in cats. Tooth Loss

Why Your Pet Needs Regular Veterinarian Visits

Many pet owners take their animal companions for a regular health assessment. But do pets have to see their vets often? Indeed, they do! As a pet owner, your pet must receive professional care from a veterinarian. It should be a top priority to make sure they're content and have good health. Thus, don't overlook the value of routine veterinary care. Below are reasons why regular visits are essential. Early Detection of Diseases

How to Know if Your Dog Has Seasonal Allergies

Pets can suffer from seasonal allergies just like humans can. With summer underway, it is essential to know the signs showing your pet has seasonal allergies. That way you can treat your dog's allergies and provide them with the relief they need. Your Pet Has Ear Infections That Don't End Allergies can have an impact on your dog's ears, regardless of the type of ears your dog has. Your dog's ears present a dark and moist environment that can allow both yeast and bacteria to grow.

Can Acupuncture Help Your Dog's Arthritis Pain?

Acupuncture is an alternative therapy that has its roots in traditional Chinese medicine. It has been used for thousands of years to treat various conditions, including pain and inflammation. Over the past few decades, it has grown in popularity in Western culture and has even been gaining acceptance in veterinary medicine. One of its most common uses is in treating the arthritic pain that often occurs as dogs age. It can be a good option for owners who don't want to use pharmacological treatments, which can have serious side effects.