Give Them A Break: 4 Reasons to Board Your Dogs During Your Holiday Parties

If you're in the process of planning holiday parties, don't forget to schedule boarding care for your pets. Boarding is the perfect way to keep your pets safe and happy during the holidays, especially when you have company coming and going from your home. Here are just four of the reasons why pet boarding is the way to go when you're having holiday parties at your home. Avoid Pet Allergy Problems

Choosing The Right Veterinarian For Your Dog

If you are a dog owner, one of the biggest decisions that you will have to make for your dog over the years is what veterinary practice you will take them to for routine and emergency care. Choosing the right veterinarian for your dog is much like choosing the right primary care doctor for yourself. Their care will be better and they will feel more comfortable in the veterinary office if you choose the right caregiver.

Three Dental Health Tips For Your Dog

Healthy teeth are just as important for your dog as they are for any member of the family. Cavities, infections, and gum disease can all affect your pup and cause them pain or other related health problems. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help keep your dog's mouth healthy and clean. Tip #1: Choose dry over wet food Unless otherwise recommended by your vet, wet food is rarely the best choice for your dog.

Salmonella And Your Pets

Salmonella is literally a dirty word and you wouldn't want your pet to get sick from it. Most of the time, this bacteria causes little problem, but if your pet is exposed to certain types, then he or she may require veterinary intervention. Here is more information about salmonella, signs of infection, treatment, and preventing an infection so that you can keep your pets healthy and get them treated if there's a problem.

Veterinarian in Training: Why You Should Not Hesitate to Trust Your Pets to His or Her Care

Many veterinarian medicine hospitals are training hospitals. This means that veterinarians-in-training are always a part of the staff. Some people may be hesitant to see a human intern as much as they are hesitant to allow a vet-in-training treat their pet. However, you should not be hesitant in the least. Here are some valid reasons why. Vets-in-Training Are Vets The thing about vets-in-training is that they are already veterinarians. They have completed all the education they need to become full-fledged vets.